Nami-Nami In Print: Petersham Nurseries @ Eesti Ekspress
Armsad Nami-nami blogi ja retseptikogu lugejad!
Kui keegi soovib lugeda mu mõtisklusi ja muljeid hiljutisest külaskäigust Petersham Nurseries restorani Londonis, siis ostke kindlasti tänane (ehk siis 10. mai 2007) Eesti Ekspress. Artikli leiate tagantpoolt lapates viiendalt leheküljelt.*

Sorry, this was in Estonian. I wanted to tell my dear Estonian readers that there's an article about my recent visit to Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London in today's Eesti Ekspress, a popular weekly newspaper. I'm yet to blog about my impressions of this fantastic restaurant, but you can read Johanna's review of our visit, as we had the pleasure of lunching there together. The article is a full-page spread, with three lovely pictures taken by K (you can see only one photo on the online version).
That was the first piece of paid food-writing I've done, so I'm very excited. More to come next week!
* Kärsitumad lugejad võivad piiluda ka siit, aga paberlehel on veel paar imeilusat pilti, nii et tasub ikka pärisleht endale muretseda :)
UPDATE 15.5.2007: You can now also read my blog post in English about my visit to Petersham Nurseries Cafe exactly a month ago.
Kui keegi soovib lugeda mu mõtisklusi ja muljeid hiljutisest külaskäigust Petersham Nurseries restorani Londonis, siis ostke kindlasti tänane (ehk siis 10. mai 2007) Eesti Ekspress. Artikli leiate tagantpoolt lapates viiendalt leheküljelt.*

Sorry, this was in Estonian. I wanted to tell my dear Estonian readers that there's an article about my recent visit to Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London in today's Eesti Ekspress, a popular weekly newspaper. I'm yet to blog about my impressions of this fantastic restaurant, but you can read Johanna's review of our visit, as we had the pleasure of lunching there together. The article is a full-page spread, with three lovely pictures taken by K (you can see only one photo on the online version).
That was the first piece of paid food-writing I've done, so I'm very excited. More to come next week!
* Kärsitumad lugejad võivad piiluda ka siit, aga paberlehel on veel paar imeilusat pilti, nii et tasub ikka pärisleht endale muretseda :)
UPDATE 15.5.2007: You can now also read my blog post in English about my visit to Petersham Nurseries Cafe exactly a month ago.
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